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About The Trip

Summer 2014

Week Three Recap Video: NCSY GIVE

Shomer Hachadash and Leket

Today we had the privilege to spend our day outside working the land of Israel. We started our day off working with an organization called Shomer Hachadash. Shomer Hachadash was created for the lone farmers who have trouble keeping their animals safe from robbers etc. Volunteers from throughout the country come and stay over night to keep out unwanted people. Additionally, they plant olive trees to keep the land productive, which is important for the Jewish people. The GIVE girls helped keep up the olive trees on the land. Each girl had a chance to cut down bushes and branches around the trees so each tree can get enough water. This was a huge help to the farmers in beautifying and keeping their land safe. Next we made our way with an organization named Leket to a pepper field. The girls had a chance to pick peppers for the poor and was able to fill up five tubs of hundreds of peppers. After our exhausting but exhilarating day on GIVE, we made our way back for some chill time and packing for Jerusalem. Dinner was served, and then we had an educational night activity about Jerusalem and heard a very special speaker to get the girls pumped for our exciting day tomorrow. We had a wonderful day on NCSY GIVE, and always looking forward to another adventure.

Guest Blogger: Yehudis Ash: Machane Oz and Nivei Kineret


Hi! My name is Yehudis Ash from Cedarhurst, New York and I’m having the summer of my life on GIVE!! Yesterday, in particular was one of the best days of the summer so far. We started off the day traveling to an army base called Machane Oz. We gave out Ben and Jerry’s ice cream toall  the soldiers on reserve at their base. To quote one of the soldiers, “they had been moping around all morning. When the GIVE girls came with their ice cream and smiles, it really made their day and they were THRILLED.” After the army base, we had our first falafel lunch of the summer in a beautiful, natural springs park. Then, we left for a community for special needs adolescents and adults called Nivei Kineret. Personally, it was the most amazing experience of my life. The residents put on a performance for us, which was INCREDIBLE. The show lasted 45 minutes and was everything from singing classic hebrew songs to modern day dancing. Everyone was in tears listening to these young adults sing about hope in Hashem and was so moved by their performance. After the show we split up into two groups. One group went to play sports with some of the residents, and the other group went on a walk with the rest of them. I was in the second group, and we all paired up with a resident from the community and took them to a field not far from the sports games. We sang songs with them and played games. Even though many of them were not verbal, you could tell by the looks on their faces just how happy we made them. When we left after saying mincha there, they were all waving at us and looking genuinely sad that we were leaving. Some of the residents  kept shouting “L’Hitraot!” over and over again. When we returned to the hotel we had some chill time before night activity. NIght activity started off with a game of gaga, advisors vs. campers. Campers obviously won every round (partially due to the fact that we outnumbered them..). And then after the game, Alexa and Jenny introduced a tehillim initiative we will be starting on GIVE for the continued safety of Am Yisrael. We all got to sign up for perakim of tehillim, and we hope to be able to finish the whole sefer as a GIVE family! And then, the highlight of everyone’s night was when Erin got a call from “David Cutler”, which turned out just to be her way of breaking out to us that we’re going to YERUSHALYIM on WEDNESDAY I”YH!!! There were screams and tears all around the room, and everyone really felt that their tefilot had been answered. We can’t wait for more amazing days to come, in the holy city of Yerushalayim!

Chessed, Ice Skating and Mall Adventures!


After our third, wonderful Shabbos on GIVE we enjoyed our sunday around the Tveria area. We started our day off by splitting the girls into four groups. Two groups went to nursing homes, and two groups went to hospitals to put smiles on the patients faces. Each group had the chance to chat, sing, dance, and just listen to the people of the Israel. The girls had a wonderful time bringing smiles to all of their faces. Afterwards, GIVE enjoyed a delicious lunch right outside the ice skating rink that they thoroughly enjoyed on a hot day. We then ventured off to the Ma’alot mall where they had the opportunity to hang out with their friends, buy food, and shop around. We came back to the hotel, had dinner, and enjoyed an awesome night activity that Alexa Ratner prepared. Today was a great, relaxing day, and we are all looking forward to the upcoming week.

Naot, Pizza, and Planting

Our third friday on GIVE consisted of a day full of Naot, Pizza, and planting. The buses split up and while one bus went to go help plant trees on an organic farm up north the second bus went to the Naot factory. Girls were allowed to walk around and purchase Israeli Naot if they so desired. They hung out with each other and then the buses swapped activities. When the other bus got to the organic farm they learned all about farming the land of Israel and the special connection Jewish people have to it. Girls were taught how to dig holes and properly place olive trees into the ground. Afterwards, we made our way to a park where pizza was being made for us on the grill. The girls enjoyed their delicious lunch and then we set off to Kibbutz Lavi, where we will be staying for the weekend. NCSY GIVE is looking forward to another exciting shabbos together!

Guest blogger: Margot Reinstein (Color War Judge and Bus Head)

Today was the day,
Campers wait for all year.
The day we come together,
To compete and to cheer.

Intense apache races,
Crazy Costumes right and left,
Scavenger Hunt around Tzefat,
And Tzedakkah for the IDF!

Beautiful singing, creative stomps,
Unbelievable art and dance.
Such amazing presentations,
You’d think they planned weeks in advance!

They made the judges cry,
All the hidden talents coming out,
Their passionate Divrei Torah,
That’s what this summers all about.

The happiness was palpable
Everyones enthusiasm was clear
I know they’ll take this leadership
And bring it into next year!

We’re excited for Shabbat,
Heading over to Lavi.
To take our growth and connection,
To the next degree!

Banana Boating and Carnivals!


NCSY GIVE is entering our third week in Israel, but we still never stop having the adventure of our lives. This morning from Tzfat we traveled to the Kineret to go Banana boating. The girls enjoyed boating, swimming, and relaxing in the refreshing waters of the Kineret. We dried off and had our lunch as we prepped for our carnivals. Today the GIVE girls had a privilege to create their own carnival for children that come from broken homes. They had a chance to take the kids out of their normal setting and interact with happy, young girls who entertained them for the afternoon. Each bus made there way to their respected locations and ran a two incredible carnivals for these children. The thanks that we heard from the head staff wasn’t enough, and the girls gained from the children as much as the children gained from the GIVE girls. We ended our day with a delicious dinner in Tveria, right next to the Kineret. We can’t wait for our adventure to continue!

Week Two Recap Video: NCSY GIVE

“A Happening” with a Splish and Splash!


Today marks the second week since NCSY GIVE has started. Not only has all our days been special, but today’s activities were truly remarkable. The beginning of the day started where we were located in Tzfat. The girls created  what was called “A Happening,” very similar to a carnival. The girls got dressed up in bright colors and costumes. Families from the south of Israel have either traveled up north to stay in safety or came up for a daily activity in a place called Beit Yigal. The girls were incredible at bringing simcha to all the children’s faces. They ran freeze dances, sports games, tie dying, and necklace making. Children, teens, and even mothers enjoyed being around the GIVE girls. The smiles brought to the children’s faces were indescribable. A mother approached the group afterwards and spoke to us about the amazing work they had done today for all the children. We traveled back to our hotel where the girls had an opportunity to make packages for soldiers in Gaza. The moment we were done packaging a truck picked up our stuff and headed straight down to our soldiers in Gaza. After a well deserved lunch the girls had some free time at the Tzfat market place. We had the privilege of going to a water park for night activity with all the girls from other NCSYsummer programs as well. The girls had a great time socializing and seeing their friends. It has been another successful day on NCSY GIVE!

Preparing Schools, Bike Riding, and Neil Lazarus

Today’s day started off with a really exciting chessed project. A school near Tzfat for under privileged children needed help preparing their building for the upcoming school year. There were various jobs that needed to be done, such as remaking billboards, organizing the library, helping out in the principals office, making packages for the children, and even baking cookies for the first day of school! The GIVE girl’s help was much appreciated by everyone from the school. With each job they were able to accomplish so much because of the amount of work each ad evert girl put in. After a delicous lunch we headed on the bus to go bike riding. Right near the Kineret each girl took her bike and ventured off with the beautiful veiws of the north around them. We davened mincha, and then headed on the bus back to our hotel. After dinner, NCSY GIVE was privledged to hear from Neil Lazarus. His presentation on Israel was educating, motivaing, and challenging. He spoke about current affairs with the girls and even gave them some time to ask questions that were on their mind. After a jam packed day, NCSY GIVE had a very relaxing night activity, movie night! The girls were encouraged to come dressed comfy as we watched the popular film Frozen. The girls positive attitude and excitement for adventure always makes our days on GIVE awesome! Looking forward to another great day.