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About The Trip

Summer 2016

Day 1 and 2: Landing and Splash Zone in the North

Hey guys!!

I’m Adina Drapkin from Chicago. Here’s an update on what’s been going on! We kicked off GIVE on a long flight from JFK, but B”H (thank G-D) we made it to Israel!! Once we got our luggage and figured out what time it was (it was a little confusing), we took a bus ride to Tzvat up North. We’re staying in Hotel Ron until we head over to Mevasseret on Sunday night. We then had dinner together and played a super fun ice breaker!! After that we all went to our rooms and settled in. We then took a very long awaited sleep until davening. At breakfast and were told our families and colors. Basically there are two families in a color, and each color has a mom (an advisor).  Lucky us, we get to always be on the bus with the other family in our color too!! Yayyyyyyyyy!! Bonding time!!! Then we went to the Old City of Tzvat for lunch and shopping. Once we were all thoroughly drenched in our own sweat, we got to cool off on the rafts of Kfar Blum. What perfect timing!! Everyone had an amazing time falling off their boats and being pulled back on. We can’t wait to rest and relax over shabbos and see what amazing things tomorrow brings!! 🙂 Shabbat Shalom!!