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About The Trip

Electives and Ir David

burackz July 23, 2012

Welcome to elective week! From Sunday through Thursday of this week, our NCSY GIVErs will be working at their elective chessed of choice. Our girls are working in small groups at nursing homes, with children and adults with disabilities, in soup kitchens, packing food, with immigrants, doing art work and sharing in many other wonderful volunteer projects. The impact they are making on a more local, personal level is so impressive and the organizations and recipients are so grateful. Our goal is that when our NCSY GIVErs come back to Israel to visit, learn or settle, they will feel a more personal connection to at least one chessed organization.

After lunch we headed to Ir David, where we explored ancient history, walked the steps of the Beis HaMikdash and splashed through the Chizkiyahu water tunnels- singing all the way. We even got to watch a cool sound and lights show with 3D glasses!