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About The Trip

Electives and the Olympics

burackz April 23, 2012

This morning was spent at electives and was as awesome as ever.

We then had lunch in a beautiful park by the Kenesset and made our way back to Mevaseret for a fun, filled afternoon of… The Olympics (GIVE style)! From watermelon eating contests to sumo wrestling, from gymnastics to the boulder throw, from national anthems to national flags, we divided into 4 countries and battled out our very own version of the Olympics. Mazel tov to our Argentinean team on their victory this evening!

The evening concluded with a powerful speech from Rav Menachem Nissel, an NCSY favorite Rav who shared his life experiences with us and inspired us to take this time of the 9 days more seriously and to infuse it with kedusha.