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About The Trip

Giving Heart to Heart

give July 8, 2013

Today Bus 1 had the zechut of working with 2 incredible organizations!

The first was an organization called Save A Child’s Heart, which is an Israeli based international humanitarian project, who’s mission is to improve the quality of pediatric care for children from developing countries who suffer from heart disease. Upon arrival, we watched an incredible video that showed us all the great work that they do, which was really meaningful and inspiring! After that, we had the privilege  of meeting two of the patients that were home today; we got to play with them and get to know them. One was a precious girl from Ghana and the other was an adorable boy from Romania. Although we didn’t speak the same language we communicated with smiles and laughter! We really felt that we were able to GIVE, heart to heart! Some of us even got kisses 🙂

We then made our way to the park where we had a delicious lunch…followed by our next chesed trip to Chames, a school for the mentally disabled. Though this chesed was a bit more challenging, it was such a meaningful and special experience, to interact with such pure souls!

Our day overall was absolutely incredible…we will never forget the smiles that we saw today, and we are looking forward to seeing many more!