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About The Trip

Day 16: (Bus 2) Ohr Meir Ubracha, Beit Shel Susane, & One Family

give July 23, 2015

Written by GIVEr: Samantha Friedman

Bus 2:  This morning we hopped on the bus and headed to a food pantry where we bagged and put vegetables in buckets for victims of terror. While we were there we were able to take part in a girls bat mitzvah celebration. After that we went for lunch with a stunning view and an archeological site. Then we went to bayit shel Susan which takes kids of the street and teaches them a skill. It was very interesting to see what these kids can do, coming from a bad background and learning how to accomplish great things. In helping them we got to bead necklaces. Then we had some free time where we went to the mall. And our last stop before returning home to Mevaseret was going to One Family which was my favorite stop. We got to make a carnival for kids who were victims of terror and either lost or have an injured family member. It was so nice to interact and build a relationship with the kids.
Both buses then had dinner together and had an interesting question and answer from Rabbi Katz (Director of seminary MMY)!
We cannot wait for a GIVEaldik Shabbos!!!