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About The Trip

Day 28: Shafdan, Spivak, Food Packaging, Flashmob, & Bedouin Tents

give August 4, 2015

We began our day traveling to Shafdan.

We learned the importance of water and how much our lives depend on it. At Shafdan they take sewage water and they purify it to clean and drinkable water. They gave us a tour of the center and explained the whole process to us. We then all went to a mall in Tel-Aviv to eat lunch! It was nice to be in the cool air conditioning during this heat wave in Israel!
After we had enjoyed our delicious schnitzel sandwiches we divided up. One bus went to a food packaging facility and the other went to Spivak. Spivak was so cool! We were able to see and feel how people who are in wheelchairs feel. We played basketball in wheelchairs! It was such a unique and eye opening experience! The game was extremely fun but also pretty challenging!
Food packaging was fun as always! We were lined up by each box and had to put in various types of food and ingredients. It was a huge team building activity. We all needed to pick up heavy boxes and pass them to one another taking each ingredient out and placing it in the box. We then sealed the box and they were ready to be delivered! These boxes go to families who don’t necessarily have the means to buy their own food.
Afterwards, both buses came together to a rehabilitation center in Tel-Aviv. Once we got there we were told to get some patients to come outside. We then put on the song “Shake It Off” and preformed our flash mob for the patients!!!! It was SO much fun! This was different then any other Chessed we’ve had. We are all use to dancing for either the elderly, sick patients, or those with disabilities. However, these were patients that were 100% with it but they were just trying to recover! We were able to get feedback from them and were able to see expressive responses. All the patients absolutely loved it! To end off out jam packed day, we then headed to our Bedouin tents where we were going to sleep!! Slumber party! We got there and we had dinner sitting on the floor with a meat platter. It was defiantly a different experience! We then had a camp bonfire and sang the night away! Finally, we all headed to our tents to get some rest!
Can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds!