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About The Trip

Our NCSY GIVE Reflections

give August 9, 2015

Written by GIVEr: Eliana Pomerance 

The last Saturday night on Give was so inspiring. We all met outside one of the dorms and each girl shared their experiences and  times that they were inspired by an act of cheesed, or an inspiring moment this summer. Each of us spoke and it was so incredible to hear everything that was being said.  Afterwards, we ate pizza and headed to the kotel. At the kotel the madrichot handed out to us paper and we wrote ourselves letters which we will be receiving in the mail soon. In our letters we all wrote things that inspired us and which we will continue doing for the future. After we davened we had a huge kumzits. It was one of the most inspiring events that happened on GIVE this summer. We all sang together while looking at our kotel, our home. Afterwards, some of us had the extreme privilege to go daven vasikin. Rachel Black took 25 girls including myself to the kotel at 430 in the morning. We all said brachot together, and then headed towards the kotel. We all ran to the kotel out of excitement. The kotel is our home and we all felt connected to it. We davened at the kotel and at 530 we headed back to the dorms. Thank you so much give for an amazing summer that will never be forgotten. We gained much inspiration, inspiration that we will never forget. Thanks for the BEST.SUMMER.EVER!