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About The Trip

Day 10: Shabbat in Mevaseret

give July 23, 2016

We had an amazing and relaxing Shabbat in mevaseret this week! Friday night was filled with beautiful singing and delicious food. We had a chance to hear from some amazing girls and staff members by the oneg/tisch! Shabbat morning we slept in and after davening and chaburot we played an awkward/fun game that helped us make sure we know each others’ names well. After lunch we had menucha to once again catch up on much needed sleep. After that we had an open learning session and have seudat shlishit and ebbing. After an inspirational havdalah we soon headed out to the busses and had a blast bowling. Not sure which was more fun, the bowling, dancing, or eating Pizza Hut. Either way it was an great end to an incredible and chilled weekend!!!