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About The Trip

Day 19: Elective Week- Hiking

give August 1, 2016

Hi my name is Talia Domsky! Today was the first day of our 3 day electives! The options were either hiking, chesed, or learning. I chose hiking and so far it’s been awesome! This morning we drove up north, and to start the day off we went on an awesome water hike which was so refreshing because it was 100 degrees outside!! After the hike we drove for a little longer until we reached our new home for the next 3 days. Giant sleepover party in the tent yay! We got schnitzel for dinner which was so yummy! Then we had a super cool karaoke/dance party! Woo!! And after a full day of sweating we finally enjoyed a nice cold shower. After sharing scar stories and playing “never have I ever” we all got into our “beds” and enjoyed a much needed rest. Can’t wait for the rest of our tiyul!