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About The Trip

Day 4: Absorption Center, Chocolate, and Water Hikes

give July 17, 2016

Hi my name is Ahuva Oppen! Today was such a fun day. We started our morning off really early – we woke up at 7:00 to prepare for our action packed day. After we davened shacharit, we ate  a tasty and  healthy breakfast. We then split up into chaburas where we discussed what makes us happy. Following that, we headed on to the bus and went to the De Karina chocolate factory where we learnt how the make their delicious chocolate and then proceeded to design and make our own to eat! Next we stopped off at a park and ate lunch (schwarma!). Afterward, we went on a water hike. It was really fun! We got really wet and splashed around a lot. Then we went to the absorption center.  We talked with the Ethopian kids and let them do our hair, use our phones, watched music videos, and of course took selfies. Just seeing how they live and what they go through as immigrants was eye opening.  Now we’re getting settled and unpacked in Mevaseret!! Finally!