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About The Trip

Day 7: Clowning, Beach, & Naah Lagat

give July 20, 2016

Hi!!! My name is Noa Cohen (aka noco) from Montreal Canada! Our day was filled with fun, inspiration and red noses 😉 First we went to the hospital where the “dream doctors” taught us the tips and tricks of medical clowning and how to interact with children undergoing treatment in order to light up their day! Before lunch, we had an incredible speech by Mrs. Greenland about the importance of empowerment! It was really an empowering speech 😉 We then put our new skills to the test by dressing up and distributing little gifts to the various children, with some additional dancing and singing! After, we brought our simcha to the tel aviv beach where we danced by the water and were treated with a delicious and lavish barbecue! To top it all off, we went to a place called Naah Hagat to enjoy a play preformed by actors who are blind and/or deaf! After such an amazing day, we returned home with renewed sense of gratitude, clown skills and of course some beautiful photos by the beach! So hyped for YOM NCSY tomorrow!